Monday, 21 March 2011

Como comprar uma bonita pele??

Qual e a mulher que nao quer uma pele toda perfeita e no seu lugar?? Sem borbulhas,sem pontos negros e ate mesmo descoloracao na pele?! AI vem a confusao total..:S quando entramos naquela seccao que nos (as meninas adoramos) de produtos de beleza e como se fossemos a uma pastelaria e ficarmos indecisas entre um palmier e um mill-folhas? OU entao entre um CLEANSER e um Moituriser? Como e que vamos saber qual e que vamos precisar!??!

THE REAL problem

Uma amiga minha recentemente comentou comigo"Eu ontem fui ate ao SELFRIDGES comprar um bom produto para a cara,para me dar uma cobertura tipo cashmere-feeling.E deparei-me com as empregadas de la,por detras dos balcoes de venda,e reparei que todas elas tinham uma pele espectacular toda muito bem hidratada! Como se fosse de um outro planeta qualquer...E comecei a sentir me intimidada e ja nao comprei nada e sai de la a sentir me mal!! Sera que e tao dificil ter um BETTER-LOOKING SKIN COMPLEXION?

Bem,sim e nao. O esforco e pessoal!! Ao longo do tempo e de tentativa e de erro,porque pensamos que as locoes que compramos sao as certas.. Mas ao longo do caminho,por vezes vemos que compramos o produto errado, por vezes devido a um conselho de um amigo ou por vezes investimos num creme que promete isto e akilo na sua apresentacao.Tudo isto e muito aleatorio e caotico...Mas a licao aqui e ensinar que se tu es muito correcta por causa disso...digo t ja que nao tem que ser!

Como avaliar a nossa pele!!!?
Metendo os pontos no i,primeiro de tudo: Os profissionais em cosmeticos ja nao consideram que a pele faca parte das antigas categorias tadicionais do NORMAL,OLEOSA OU SECA!
Embora estes ainda estão de pé, eles devem ser vistos como categorias muito amplas e em seu interior,os modernos sao,como por exemplo peles irritadas,sensiveis, com imperfeicoes etc...
The skin makeover rule HERE e que tens que pensar que a nossa pele esta sempre a mudar,conforme o clima,o sol,dietas,stress e tambem conforme os anos vao passando isso tudo
ajuda na mutacao da pele!
Tambem e importante saberes que a nossa pele modifica tambem pelo o sitio onde vivemos e onde trabalhamos...
Tem "CITY-SKIN",por exemplo,e caracterizada por coloração amarelada,bORBULHAS,devido ha poluicao e do ar condicionado etc..
Depois tem a 'WORKOUT SKIN' o ginasio pode ser muito bom para o nosso corpo mas nao e tao bom para a nossa pele! Torna-se escamosa, manchas que depois podem surgir do cloro na piscina ou da transpiracao excessiva,que pode resultar numa sensação de aperto desconfortável para a pele e depois tens 'THE GREAT-OUTDOORS SKIN'que é uma pele seca, a uma tendência de cor elevada e vasos capilares rompidos na cara de estar mutio tempo fora.

MUDA O HABITO AGORA...Deixa os tratamentos mais intensivos para a primavera!!!

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Aquamarine Look

Blue,green and black should never be seen?
Pah! Mix sea shades for spring style..!!
What you'll need...

-I use a skin primer moisturise I-THE BODY SHOP
-Stay-put primer for concealers and eyeshadows-BENEFIT
-Hide the Blemish concealer-RIMMEL LONDON
-Studio fix fluid SPF15-MAC
Quattro eye shadow Q 46 Blooming Forest-GOSH
Apple green Dazzle dust-BARRY M
Eye Shadow 254-GOSH
Fluidline Eye-liner gel-MAC
Cheek glow Central Park Pink-N.Y.C
The falsies volum'Express(Black Drama)-MAYBELINE
Glaze hue Lipstick-MAC
Stay Glow pink-RIMMEL LONDON

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Say HI to Hydration!

Do you find yourself staring at the shelves of moisturiser trying to figure out which one is right for you?Well,read on to find out what you should be doing and buying!


Moisturisers work as a protective seal against harsh elements in the environment such as the sun and wind.Skin creams are the staple of skincare products and using one will help to keep your skin hydrated,soft and looking good.

The science bit

Lack of water in and around skin cells disrupts the skin's ability to heal itself,meaning dehydrated skin will struggle to repair itself and regenerate.Dry skin is more prone to infections and irritants because it has tiny cracks allowing bacteria to sneak in which=spots :S

Who needs it?

It's particularly important to moisturise when humidity is low ( winter)as dry weather causes faster evaporation of moisture from the skin.Drier weather,air conditioning and central heating call for extra attention to moisturising- probably why you find winter so tough on your skin.

How to moisturise?

Step 1-Wash your face face with a cleansing scrub or gel then pat dry with a smooth towel.
Step 2-Apply 4 small dots of moisturiser to your face-one on your forehead,one on your chin and one on each cheek.Gently massage into skin with fingertips using an upward,clockwise motion.

(Most dermatologists and health experts recommend moisturising twice a day-once in the morning and once at night.)
(Over moisturising can adversely affect your skin's ability to produce its own moisture which will actually make it drier.)


-Red,inflamed skin
-Often has blackheads,whiteheads and spots that are hard to get to rid of.
-Spots may cause scarring

As much as you probably don't want to go anywhere near your skin,cleansing and moisturising are extremely important.Without proper moisturising,dead and dried skin will clog your pores and acne won't get better.After gently cleansing,apply moisturiser to help skin stay clear and infection free.
(Avoid fragranced moisturiser as it may irritate your skin-Try a basic oil-free moisturiser)

Sensitive skin

-Skin is irratated by perfume,sun and extreme weather
-Skin changes day-to-day
-May have red patches or rashes

The condition of your skin changes day-to-day-one minute it can be dry and delicate,the next it can be red and sore.That's why it's important to get the right moisturiser!
Your skin is easily irritated by perfume(which you should avoid if possible),sun and extreme weather,so pick a moisturiser that contains a minimum of SPF15.(Go for a light water-based moisturiser that won't clog pores)


-Can look dull or flaky
-Feels rough and itchy
-Skin's made worse by the weather,especially wind and dry air
-Skin feels tight after cleansing

The sebaceous gland under your skin slows down the production of oil,making it dry.It can feel rough and itchy due to the top layers of skin losing water and natural oils.Therefore,you need plenty of skin-quenching!
Use a rich,non-greasy moisturiser after cleansing in the morning and at night and if,you're not wearing any make-up,you may wish to apply during the day.(Spending too long in the bath can strip your skin of natural oils,so SHOWER INSTEAD and its very economic!! :P


-Shiny,thick and dull-coloured
-Very oily but may be dry in some areas
-Prone to spots and blackheads

Oil skin is caused by the sebaceous glands producing more oil than is needed-the opposite of dry skin.But even if you have oily skin,it still needs moisturising.In fact,moisturiser will eliminate shine(honest!) and maintain moisture,keeping skin looking fresh and healthy.
After you've cleansed,skin may feel tight as the inner layer is oily and the surface is dry.You can sort it out with a light,oil-free moisturiser,thought!!!
(Oily skin is most common in teenagers and young adults(Like me)Skin that is oily in one area and dry is another is called COMBINATION SKIN)

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Office Shoes - High Heels for her - Office - MONEY BAGS BLK MET SUEDE

Office Shoes - High Heels for her - Office - MONEY BAGS BLK MET SUEDE

Quero estes... :(

My High Heels...

Ola Meus Queridos Bloggers...hoje nao tinha nada para fazer e decidi tirar fotos aos meus queridos companheiros de rotina.. Os meus HIGH HEELS ehehe
A maioria dos meus sapatos sao da minha cor favorita ...PRETO
Espero que gostem.. :))

Estas botas sao as minhas preferidas..elas sao muito comfortaveis e quentes!!!
Elas sao da moda desde inverno que se passou... Tem pele por dentro e sao super quentinhas
Estes sao DORES DE CABECA... lool
Quando digo a minha dor de cabeca,quero dizer que ,quando chega, o final do dia,tenho que meter os meus pes de molho,porque sao um bocadinho duros!!
My BEST FRIENDS...quem e que nao os considerava ne!? De tacao de cunha..da um excelente andar, ao mesmo tempo da um ar muito elegante!!! :) Sao de camurca preta
Os meus COBRA...acho que toda a mulher devia ter uns! Acho que em calcas de ganga fica um espectaculo!! Acho que o nome diz tudo!! xD
Os GLOSS...tem um extra brilho,o tacao e metalico e da cor azulao quase a ir pro preto...sao lindos!
Apresento vos os ROCK STAR..Adoro os..sao de pele,pretos e ha frente tem umas tiras com umas lantejoulas(Acho que e esse o nome que dao) em prata.
Os SILVER,sao bota-sapato,ainda so os usei 1 vez..
OS POSH...estes comprei-os ,na semana passada,na Zara! Foi amor ha 1 vista!! lool Sao de camurca,na cor beige!
OS Gastos...parecem que sao daqueles sapatos que estamos sempre a usar..porque tem uns riscos e pareceM muito gastos!! Mas afinal sao assim mesmo!! Acho que eles sao super Originais!!!


HEY ppl my name is Anna,i m 23's old and i from azores, S.Miguel! I have a passion about Art,Make up,music..actually i love doing differente things!! Its just the way I AM :)
I m New around here but i have another blogg with another 3 azores girls...just go there and see what we talk about..coz we're 4 different girls with different syles,with different atittudes!!! :P
And this one is about-ENCOURAGING you to rethink your top-to-toe style and ultimately reward yourself the STAR TREATMENT.Believe me,a complete makeover- and I'm not talking about new noses,brow lifts,cheeks and breast implants,but easy 100 % do-able tips,tricks and beauty buys-will deliver more effortless style,beauty and health into your life! its mine unike blogg,I hope u like my blogg coz this one its only mine...hahah I'm gonna talk about everthing here about us..GIRLZ0.. coz i m feminist(YES I'M :)))
ENJOY!!! I love YoU gIrlz HAHAH
MAKEOVER-Just the word is enough to give divine inspiration.Everybody loves a great makeover,whether it involves dropping a few pounds or knocking five years off your age with a new a new hair colour.And i guarantee u'll never tire of people telling you how great you look.
If this sounds like a whole lot of work,then be reassured it isn't.

MY MAKEOVER PHILOSOPHY IS SIMPLE: stand back and have an outer body experience with yourself.By this i mean look at yourself objectively in every tiny detail,from the stray hairs that need plucking under your brows to the habitual slobbing around in old clothes at the weekend and ask yourself: 'Am i making the most of myself? If the answer is a resounding'NO',then it's time to remake yourself to order.
This blog is not about rules,it's about making small changes and getting big results.It's problem solving at its very best-chucking out the old and bringing in the NEW(YOU).
Your appearance says a lot about you and how you value yourself."We don't like to admit that we judge people on the way they look,but we do". Soooo,what does your image really say about you???? HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT IT???
Remember how you feel when you come out of the HAIRDRESSER'S? Or when you're wearing something special? YOU FEEL AMAZING..ITS THE TRUTH!!more confident...
Just think how it would be to have that feeling every day rather than just on the few occasions when you take time to think about yourself.It all comes down to taking control.
LOTS....of women are intimidated by the idea of style...I've learned from the experts that the difference between ordinary and extraordinary can be down to such simple things as skirt or jeans or the way you wear you hair...
SOOO i hope my blogg can help you to get the confidence you need and shout" WHERE ARE THE PARTIESSSSSSSSSS??? " loool
I m gonna put my facebook link here: if u GIRLZ want to control me!! heheheh

Hello o meu nome e Ana Luiza,tenho 23 anos e sou natural dos acores da ilha de s.miguel. Adoro art,make up,musica..gosto de tudo uma cadinho,nao sou esquisita.. :) Sou novita por estes lados,quer dizer faco parto de um outro blog juntamente com 3 meninas acoreanas tambem...
Espero que gostem do meu blog e espero ajudar em alguma coisinha..
Vemo nos por aqui...
Se me quiserem seguir pelo facebook,deixo vos aki o o link:
